Hi friend! My name is Valerie Aw Pierce, an Asian American Seattilite-born Bostonian. I love people and people’s stories. I joked in college that if I could have majored in the art of coffee dates, I would. Weirdly, my school did not carry that major…My school did give me a MPH and BA in Psychology. I met my husben (intentionally misspelled, guess why) in college and we were married in 2015. After my husben, I love travel, food, and shopping. Oh, and coffee (I clearly love it).

I deeply believe every woman, from the littlest girl to the woman with years of life experience, is created for a unique, important purpose – to live life with significant wholehearted intention, complete with growth-changing challenges and immense, abundant joy.

I believe all this comes with understanding and believing who you are. Not what you do. We can go through a day checking off all the boxes and still feel unfulfilled. What if we focused on uncovering the aspects of our identities that highlight who we are?

That is what this blog is about.

I want to encourage you (and myself), to share life with you, to be a warm embrace, to be a friend. To help us discover greater intention and to dream bigger and more beautifully. To live every day to the fullest and with the deepest joy.

Thanks for being here!




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