Fanny Pack Convert

Fanny Pack Convert

A couple years ago, a friend was telling me how fanny packs were back and I kindly (with laughter) told her I didn’t think that was true. She looked at me and said “watch.”

She was right, I was wrong. I started seeing fanny packs more and more and slowly became convinced that maybe it wasn’t just a fashion trend left for the 80s. Spoiler: I now own one. It’s not like my dad’s, the ever practical black on black, and not a bright a colorful throwback to the 80s. Some retailers’ marketing renamed their fanny pack to the “belt bag,” and while still a fanny pack, I’ll accept the name change and say I have a “belt bag.”

But y’all, I am a fanny pack convert now, despite my initial hesitation. I love having my arms and shoulders and hands free from holding a bag. I love being able to take the weight off of my shoulders in particular (I’m definitely on track for shoulder problems in the future).

Leather belt bag (Madewell)

I hate and love that it limits what I can bring around with me. I don’t know about you, but my tendency is to stuff whatever bag I’m carrying with more than needs to be in there, because it feels weird to carry around a nearly empty bag. But I certainly don’t need to be carrying a notebook, roll of pens, book(s), water, snack bars, multiple wallets, charger, emergency kit, etc. all the time. And doing so just further solidifies those future shoulder and arm and hand problems.

So the “belt bag” is perfect for when I’m taking a trip to the grocery store or running some other errand. It’s perfect for going out to brunch with friends or going out on a day trip, when I don’t need to or want to be toting around a huge bag.

I in particular love the leather look of this one. Its simple with a top zipper, slips through the belt loop of my pants, and also sits nicely around the waist when belt loops aren’t available. It also can still hold a surprising amount. My iPhone, card case, epipen (#peanutallergy), chapstick, and compact mirror and sometimes my sunglasses.

I’ve linked the one I own above and outfit details below. I’ve also linked other options for belt bags and other similar options for my outfit under the Shop My Instagram page. I usually have a wider variety of similar items there, so check it out!

What do you think? Are you a fanny pack fan?

Wide-leg denim (Everlane similar) |Tank (Madewell last season) | Denim Jacket (Madewell, similar) | Heeled mules (Target) | Tassel Earrings (J Crew Factory)

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