Jumpsuit Roundup

Jumpsuit Roundup

Something you probably already know about me is I love jumpsuits. I like that I do not have to figure out how to match my top to bottom and I can sit however I want (aka don’t have to act ladylike to my mother’s chagrin). Also, jumpsuits almost always have pockets, or at least are about 90% more likely to have pockets than a dress.*

Jumpsuits also elevate an outfit. Somehow putting a jumpsuit on makes it seem like you have put in so much more effort into your outfit. Akin to how people assume that to be true when you wear a dress, even though it’s usually because 1) I haven’t done laundry and am therefore out of pants or 2) I’m feeling inordinately bloated and cannot squeeze myself into pants. 

Yes there is the slight downside of it being a slight hassle when you have to use the bathroom and now you’re seemingly half naked in the bathroom…but I think if that’s the only con, it can be overlooked. 

Have I convinced you yet? No? Well, let me give you a rundown of my jumpsuits and I hope you’ll stick with me to the end of them all, because they’re all slightly different. As a side note, I do not have photos of myself in two of the ones I list just yet, but rather than delay the post (and allow myself to procrastinate), I’ll update the post when I get them.  So here we go!

Jumpsuit #1: Classic casual black – Old Navy

I bought this a few years ago so I don’t think you can find it anymore unfortunately at Old Navy, but it was maybe my first jumpsuit and I loved it. It has a drawstring belt which is nice for those days when you eat maybe a little too much, but also when you need to look a little slimmer. I’ve worn it when I worked at Madewell, layering it with a v-neck t-shirt or turtleneck. I’ve worn it at my current job for business casual, pairing it with heels and a blazer. It’s versatile, and pockets. I accidentally shrunk it in the wash, but I ended up liking the length as slightly cropped even better! 

Tip – a black jumpsuit is a great easy color that can be dressed up or down. 

Jumpsuit #2: Navy blue – H&M

This was purchased even longer ago, maybe 4 years ago? I did not wear it more until very recently when I began feeling more confidence in my ability to wear a jumpsuit (which by the way, I believe everyone can). But I love it. It has the cute tie-waist belt, pockets(!), and a great flattering v-neck neckline. It feels a little more old-time era and I love that. 

Tip – a jumpsuit that cinches in the waist is incredibly flattering and can elongate your body (if you struggle with this *ahem* my vertically challenged friends).

Jumpsuit #3: Striped – Marshalls

I bought this jumpsuit last year and probably spent about $20, which is great by the way. I think I’ve found a lot of jumpsuit winners at Marshalls, so while I can’t link them for you, I think it’s a good sign you can probably go on your own and find something great. Or take me with you, I love shopping. But I love this jumpsuit because it’s free flowing, elastic waistband and has a wide leg crop. The wide leg crop is more free flowing and brings an effortless look to the outfit. I love the cut of the straps as it narrows my shoulders in a flattering way and also doesn’t hug my armpits as much, which is important on those warm summer days. 

Tip: Go to Marshalls / TJ Maxx. Wide-leg crops give a more free flowing effortless look.

Jumpsuit #4: Yellow floral – Anthropologie

By far, one of my FAVORITES. However, it’s pretty unique and so I don’t wear it often (read: worn once at a wedding), but I love it. The color is stunning and bright, the bodice doesn’t actually cut along the hips or waist, and cuts a little above the waist which elongates the legs. The bottom of the pants are more bootcut which also elongates my legs (super helpful for short peeps). The only sad part is this jumpsuit does not have pockets 🙁

Tip: Be willing to try something a little different. Boot cut legs and a waist slightly above the actual waistline elongate your legs and look.

Jumpsuit #5: Red – J Crew

Okay this was a bold purchase, but it only cost me $12. Yes, you read that correctly. I think originally was $115, but end of season in-store turnovers are a magical thing. ANYWAYS, this jumpsuit has a similar silhouette as to the striped jumpsuit with a wide leg crop at the bottom, it has the tie-waist like the black, and it has a deep v-neck neckline like the navy blue, and it’s bold like the yellow. Basically it’s all of them in one. Oh and it has pockets. I wore this while coordinating a friend’s wedding and was super comfortable for all the running (literal sprinting) around and delegating that had to be done. 

Tip: sometimes end of seasons are the best times to buy clothes. Pockets. 

End of my jumpsuit roundup! Thanks for sitting with me throughout and I hope this has inspired you to be bold and go forth and purchase one. Wear it confidently and no one can judge you for what you’re wearing. 

Do you own a jumpsuit? What would you look for? What stops you from wearing one? Other Questions? 

*I have not actually calculated this out and am just guesstimating, but it seems about right to me.  

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